A show of hands for the churches do SOMETHING on Father’s Day. If you raised your hand my applause, if you didn’t no worries I have some ideas for you (side note…. according to this story Father’s Day was started by some local churches). Last year, I did a post about backdrops for Mother’s Day and let me say I found it rather easy to find cute, pretty and fun backdrops for the moms. For the dads…. well let’s just say I had to get a little more creative. So here are some examples of some creative backdrops for Father’s Day.
The Tie Backdrop
When coming up with a list of backdrops the first one on my list was something to do with ties. It seems to be the “go to” in gift giving for the occasion. Not to mention that every 4 and 5 year old has probably made that paper neck tie at church on Father’s Day… you know what I am talking about.
Anyway, here are a couple of inspirational ideas that you could incorporate into a backdrop using ties. The first is obviously not neck ties but I think you could use this same principle with different ties hung at different lengths (cue a visit to the local Goodwill or visit dad’s closet) because you are going to need a few. The other reminds me of how the ties might be displayed in a department store. The grid pattern would be pretty impressive.
The Chalkboard Backdrop
If you have some plywood lying put a few together, paint it with some chalkboard paint and make sure you ‘season or prep’ the chalkboard. Once those things are done, it is best to find a skilled artist to create some pictures, words or scripture that will work well as your backdrop. During one of our past SALT conferences we used chalkboards for our workshop backdrops and had someone draw icons to represent the different areas tracks. The bowtie represented our leadership track.
The Outdoorsy Backdrop
The Car Backdrop
I love this one! This backdrop could be used so many ways, but the idea came from a church that had a car show on Father’s Day. This photo uses a vintage Volkswagon van but I think a vintage muscle car would be great for Father’s Day (and it won’t be quite so wedding-ish). Anyone have a 1966 Shelby or a 1965 corvette?
The Simple Wood Wall

The Vintage-y Wall

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