Search results for "backstage"

the 10 Churches giving resources away regularly

10 Churches Giving Resources Away

We've told you about our free resources (including templates, stage design details, backstage videos, etc) but now it's time to find out who the churches giving resources away for your benefit are. So we've scoured the…
Eight Free Resources from SALT

8 Free Resources From SALT

In the church, it seems that budgets are always tight, there's never enough time, yet our desire to be excellent is never ending. One of the things we've started to do this year is supply you…
6 Portable Church Tips - Header

6 Portable Church Tips

I have spent a lot of time (over 4 years) working with a local portable church meeting in coffee shops, a high school auditoriums, and even a local bar/restaurant. We learned a lot over the…
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